The concert of Taylor Swift This Friday in Rio de Janeiro ended in tragedy. Due to the high temperatures in the venue, a fan, with no previous pathologies, died in the middle of the Pennsylvania singer’s show. After what happened, the performer, who turns 34 in three weeks, regretted what happened and canceled this Saturday’s concert. She herself was affected by the temperatures, with a thermal sensation of 56 degrees Celsius and with added controversy: the organization had prohibited carrying bottles of mineral water and the artist herself asked that they be distributed.
“With a broken heart, I learn of the loss of a fan tonight. I cannot explain to you the feeling of devastation I have,” said the North American artist upon hearing the tragic news. Likewise, the singer noted: “I’m not going to be able to talk about this on stage because I’m overwhelmed with pain even trying to talk about it. This is the last thing I wanted to happen when I decided to take the tour to Brazil.”

The Nilton Santos Olympic stadium, which hosted the tour Eras Tourbecame an oven due to the high temperatures, generating an unbearable thermal sensation of 62 degrees.
On social media, many attendees criticized that, although the stadium was very hot, security personnel prohibited water bottles from entering the venue. Taylor herself, who also suffered the effects of the extreme heat on stage, stopped the show to provide water to the front rows. In addition, she requested that bottles be distributed to the entire public.
“Taylor Swift”
Because of his anger in the middle of the show in Brazil with the local producers, who did not implement hydration measures and caused the death of a fan.
— Why is it a trend? (@becauseTTarg) November 18, 2023
Firefighters who worked during the concert stated that more than a thousand attendees fainted due to dehydration. Likewise, the organization indicated that, although there was water for sale, it was not enough for all attendees.