After becoming a Sister Hospitaller of Lourdes and herald of Domund 2022, Tamara Falco He returned this Thursday to the anthill to tell the latest news about her life as a single woman. Inigo Onieva went down in history and now the Marquise is focused on her Faith: “The trip to Lourdes, with which I was falling, has been the pear”.
Read also – Tamara Falcó makes a pilgrimage to Lourdes while Íñigo Onieva lives his particular Turkish passion: we have the photos
The daughter of Isabel Preysler He has said that he had been wanting to make the trip for a long time and this year he saw the opportunity to carry it out. “It has been a wonderful experience, I have disconnected and I have met fantastic people, something that is appreciated in these difficult times,” she said with a smile. “It’s also beautiful, there’s a castle, a river…”.

Tamara, who is a chef for the Cordon Bleu school, has reported that she was helping in the kitchens of the sanctuary: “I couldn’t spend much time with the sick because I was making montaditos and preparing drinks. I did what I could”has said.
Finally, Falcó has downplayed the comments that his outfit as Sister Hospitaller and he has revealed that it will not be the last time he wears it: “Normally they lend it to you, but I bought it because I’m a bit picky. In any case, I plan to return more times, so I’ll take advantage of it.” And he added: “It’s very practical, like when you go to school in your uniform, so you don’t have to think about what to wear. Don’t laugh, it’s not fair”.