The daughter of Isabella Preysler y Carlos Falco returns to the forefront of news within the world of heart after her romance with the businessman was made public Hugo Arevalowho was going to be the godfather of the children of Tamara e Inigo Onieva before it all blew up.
Also read: Tamara Falcó and Hugo Arévalo were partners in a company when she was still with Íñigo Onieva
This Thursday, as usual, the Marquise de Griñón was the anthill and despite the insistence of Paul Motorcycles So that he could tell something about their budding relationship, Tamara remained silent. An attitude that has somewhat overwhelmed the patience of the presenter.
“What a silly question, it’s a walk with a friend in Lourdes. We’ve been friends for a long time,” he replied to the man from Requena when he asked him for the photographs with Arévalo in Lourdes. “There is a terrible phrase that says ‘I love you, but only as a friend,” the man from Atresmedia has thrown at him without cutting himself. “Did Laura (Llopis) say that to you very often?” Tamara replied with a laugh.

“No, Laura did not tell me ‘I love you but as a friend’ she told me directly ‘I don’t love you’. I have already told my story, now it’s your turn,” Motos replied. But the sister of Enrique Iglesias continued trying to deflect Pablo’s shots: “Isabel Díaz Ayuso is furious with the polls.” Tired of trying, the host of the Antena 3 program ended the conversation with “I do answer you, but then you don’t answer me.”