Christmas miracle: Kiko Rivera steps forward to reconcile with his mother

Isabel Pantoja You could have an unexpected visitor in Cantora during these Christmas days. And it is that her son, Kiko Riverahe would be considering starting 2023 by reconciling with his mother and settling all the differences that have kept them apart for months.

Also read: Isabel Pantoja will do a second tour in the USA after the summer

According to the journalist Pepe del Real in The Ana Rosa Program this Friday, the brother of One Pi He wants to solve the problems with the singer and would have already called her on the phone: “He misses her and wants to see her.”

Not working, the DJ’s plans do not coincide with those of his wife, Irene Rosales. The Sevillian “doesn’t plan to set foot on Cantora until she settles the differences with her mother-in-law.” Apparently, Irene does not forgive the grandmother of her daughters that she was not by her side when her parents died and she would be waiting for forgiveness from Isabel.

The call from her son would have made the artist very excited. In fact, she told him that her doors are open to come home for Christmas or whenever she wants. It seems that the singer is in better spirits after the organizers of her American tour confirmed her intention to do a second tour in September 2023, as we count from Informalia.