Tamara Falcó is honest about her anger with Íñigo Onieva: “I know he is making an effort”

It is not the first time that Tamara Falco talks about his anger with Inigo Onieva and, although he doesn't usually get too wet, this Thursday he made an exception. The collaborator of The Anthill explained in the program how she handles fights with her husband. They both got married last July and went to live in a penthouse in Madrid at the end of the year, which means they spend more time together and, therefore, increases tensions between them.

The Marchioness of Griñón explained that she manages anger in a different way than Onieva. “I mean, if I'm angry, I hate being asked if I'm angry.” because that makes me more angry”, he advanced to his companions Nuria Roca, Juan del Val y Patricia Pardowith whom he stars every Thursday in a gathering in the space of Pablo Motos.

“Hormonal changes in women are very difficult to manage,” said the daughter of Isabel Preysler y Carlos Falco. And as soon as you wake up you need a few minutes to clear your head and gradually get rid of your bad mood.

“Íñigo has a shorter fuse than me, But it takes me much longer to relax. I can stay until he speaks to me and asks for forgiveness. It's hard for me but I know he's making an effort and I'll talk to him again,” he added.

To the sister of Ana Boyer Her anger lasts so long for a simple reason: “In my head I am the judge and I decide what is right and what is wrong. I pass sentence.” “Always or quite a few times, I'm right. I would dare say 98% of the time,” he joked.

The last time the Marchioness spoke of their arguments was just before Christmas, because She wanted to spend the holidays with her family in Miami.. They finally agreed that in 2023 they would spend time with his group and, the following year, with the businessman's group.

“We argue about a lot of things, like where we are going to spend the holidays. I say we spend it with my family and Íñigo says no, one year with mine and another with his,” he said at that time.