The Marchioness of Griñón has finally spoken out after the controversy caused by her words on sexuality at the Family Congress in which she participated last weekend in Mexico. Accused of being “homophobic” Tamara Falco He has apologized and explained his message: “The word ‘deviations’ referred to behaviors that my ex had that were not aligned with my understanding of life as a couple.”

With these statements, Tamara has opened a new mystery: what are the ‘deviations’ of Inigo Onieva? María Patiño, anticipating the theory that is already running through social networks, has clarified in Save me: “It is not that Onieva had relationships with people of the same sex, but that she led a double life. I think Tamara does not use the word ‘deviations’ well, it would be better ‘lies’.” Be that as it may, these new statements will not do the Onievas any favors, already tired of the media pressure of the marquise’s pullitas whom they consider the ‘pretty boy’ of the family.
Read also – Tamara Falcó, accused of making religion a business: “She has taken jewelry with virgins”
Apart from adding fuel to the fire on the Onieva issue, Tamara wanted to apologize for her words last Saturday: “For days I have been accused of being homophobic. Nothing is further from reality,” she wrote. “Although it was not my intention, I apologize to any group that has been attacked by my statements. I would never wish harm on anyone and even less would I incite hatred,” she has settled.