“I’m happy Charise is expecting a boy. And I’d be delighted to be godfather to the baby.” That is the attitude of Julio Iglesias Junior before the news of the pregnancy of what was his wife, Charles Verhaertwho has remade his life with another man after divorcing the eldest son of Isabel Preysler.
This pregnancy of the Dutch model coincides with other surprising news: the courtship of Julio Jr. with another model, the Cuban ariadna romerodivorced and with a son, who is not with him these days in Marbella, where Julio attended the 14th edition of the Starlite gala on Sunday night, organized by Antonio Banderas y Sandra García-Sanjuán.

The older brother of Tamara Falcó and Ana Boyer dodged questions about their new relationship with smiles and few words and assured that he would also like to be a father one day, although he thinks that he is passing his age, 50 years.

Despite the fact that his father has a house in Ojén, very close to Marbella, his son allowed himself to be invited by the organization and stayed in a hotel alone, without who seems to be his new love.
Presented as a special performance within the solidarity gala, Julio Jr. did not excite the public with his music: he performed famous versions of his father, from Hey a I forgot to live. It was not very successful for Julio José to try to reproduce the style, voice and tone of the great artist who is his father, Julio Iglesias, without having his power or his voice, soft and very personal. Julio Iglesias Junior was somewhat hoarse in Marbella and seemed to be singing out of pure formality and something touched.
For his part, Antonio Banderas, along with Nicole Kimpel, attended the party making an enormous effort. The actor from Malaga is shooting a movie in London, but he interrupted his work for a day with an impressive early start and this Monday morning he is already flying back to the British capital to continue filming.

In this solidarity gala, great international figures and those of Marbella society have not been present, but regular faces such as Gunilla von Bismarck and his son Francisco Ortiz, Carmen Lomana, Paula Echevarria, Cayetana Guillen Cuervo, Carla Pereira, Miguel Angel Silvestre and the one who was the wife of Silvester Stallone, Brigitte Nielsenresident in the area. Victoria Marichalar He passed fleetingly through the photocall, without making any statements once again.

However, the daughter of the Infanta Elena took the stage during the charity auction together with Paula Echevarria. To the presenters of the event, carlos latre y Valeria Mazzait occurred to them to auction the dresses that the Argentinean herself and Froilán’s sister were wearing.

That of the actress, signed by Rosa Clará and that of the granddaughter of King Juan Carlos, by a Cordovan designer. And so it was done, the two models were purchased at auction by people who took them for several thousand euros. The problem is that these are borrowed dresses, the kind that designers give to celebrities so that they can name the firm and then return them. What will Rosa Clará and the Cordovan firm say when they find out that their dresses have been auctioned without their authorization at a high price and they are left without a model and without a penny?