The photograph of Gabriela Guillén, walking during her pregnancy in a bikini on a beach in Huelva, on the cover of Week has brought out the one who was a friend of Bertín Osborne and mother of his future son. The debate over whether the image is agreed upon and the physiotherapist has pocketed money for the image has fueled the controversy. The magazine points out Gabriela’s desire to reunite with Bertín: “she is still in love with Bertín and dreams of recovering her relationship with the singer.” She has told the truth about herself on the networks.

“I was with this person (Bertín) for a long time, maybe it wasn’t a conventional relationship like everyone thinks. But I’m not just anyone, not just another person, not a lover, not a special friend, not a jerk,” she defends herself in a video. “I have become pregnant by a person I have been with for a long time,” has been her story as she experiences it.
“My baby perceives everything that is happening to me. It is what hurts me the most,” added Gabriela, who puts her baby above all things. She has also made it clear, through social networks, that she has not seen the artist and presenter since July, when they saw each other at Turronero’s birthday.
This bad vibe has been unleashed after some statements he gave on the program And Now, Sonsoles about his story with Osborne: “Now we have a good relationship because of our baby (…) I am never going to put him against the wall. How can I not love him if he has given me the most important thing in my life, which is my son?”