Scariolo: “My idea of ​​the 12 will not be the same as when we started”

The coach is pleased to have Garuba and Llull available for the tournament in Granada


The national basketball coach, Sergio Scariolo, celebrated having Usman Garuba and Sergio Llull already training with the group at the gates of the Granada tournament, the last test of preparation for the World Cup that begins this Thursday against Canada, another rival of “high level” to know where the tuning is going.

“We have done a couple of days of training to improve, especially to improve the players’ fitness and in the recovery of Sergio Llull and Usman, who have been able to train almost normally, so I hope they can play a few minutes of this such a demanding tournament that awaits us,” he said on Wednesday.

Scariolo spoke to the media of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB) in advance of a new demanding clash against the Americans trained by the Spanish Jordi Fernández. “First match against the team ranked second by everyone, in the forecasts,” he said.

“With an excellent squad, very well trained surely by Jordi, who knows us very well. It is good for us to play against these high-level teams to see what we can do, what we lack. The competition is not now, They give indications, but in many ways these games have not been played out,” he added.

On the other hand, Scariolo took stock of what is going on in preparation, less than 10 days before the World Cup, and confessed that he will reach the decision of the 12 chosen with a different idea than at the beginning of the concentration. “There are things that I like more, and others less. At the level of collective play, fluidity, defensive collaboration, quality of team play, we have always been good,” he said.

“On an individual level, in competition it will be what it’s worth, there are things that have convinced me and things that are less. I will not reach the moment of the decision of the 12 that will be with the same idea that I had when I entered. That is what the training sessions and these test matches”, he concluded.