Rosalía stands up to the rapper who publishes his nude photo-fakes: “You are disgusting”

Is called JC Reyesis a singer and has been on the Trending Topic of social networks for two days for manipulating the images of Rosalía to sexualize them, increasing their breasts and leaving them exposed. The Sevillian has received hundreds of criticisms for this unfortunate behavior and this Tuesday it was Rosalía herself who stopped him: “Fetch clout disrespecting and sexualizing someone is a type of violence and it sucks, but doing it for four plays of more what gives is pity”.

It is the first time that the Catalan artist has entered into a controversy of these characteristics and has left her fans speechless with her words. They, of course, applaud and support her, even encouraging her to sue JC Reyes, who not only does not regret having touched up Rosalía’s images without her consent, but that she boasts of it.