Rafa Nadal, skinned by the singer Iván Ferreiro: “This millionaire gives an example of shit”

Rafael Nadal has received a series of criticisms from the indie singer Ivan Ferreiro, who has said what he thinks, without mincing words, who is considered by many to be the best Spanish athlete of all time. He does not criticize him in terms of the different ideological positions that they may or may not have, but precisely because of his attitude on the tennis courts.

Ferreiro spoke publicly again about the mental health problems he has suffered. On this occasion, in an interview with the magazine Enquire: “When I said it I didn’t think I was doing anything special. If I have the flu I say that I have had the flu and if what I have had is a depression, I say that I have had a depression. There is no difference. But I think it is another consequence of the upbringing our generation had. Depression was associated with weakness. But I’ve been through it as an adult and had no problem detecting it.”

the singer of Turnedo puts the focus on the importance of caring for and naming this type of disease: “It is a very big problem, which happens to many people and it seems fatal to trivialize it. I think my father was depressed all his life, but no I knew it, he just thought life was shit. And he wasn’t a sad guy or anything, but when you don’t fight for things anymore, something’s wrong with you.”

In this sense, the composer adds about the athlete from Manacor, who at 36 years old has suffered various injuries in recent seasons: “And then I get the balls, for bad, Rafa Nadal. The shitty example he gives by going to play a match made of dust. And everyone says: What a good example for the children! Well, I think it’s a shitty example”.

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His sentence against Nadal, who lives a full personal time with Xisca Perelló and the little one Rafais forceful: “It has taken us many years to achieve that when we feel bad we do not have to go to work, so that this millionaire, in order to have a medal, tells us that it was with a broken foot. But unfortunately all of sport sets an example shitty”.