Princess Leonor, named Lady Cadet in La General de Zaragoza

The heiress Leonor has been named a Cadet Lady at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza, after having passed the instruction and training phase, as an adaptation to military life.

The Acting Council of Ministers has agreed by Royal Decree on her appointment this Tuesday, September 5, which is published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) dated Wednesday the 6th. Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz is already a Lady Cadet of the General Academy Military (AGM) officially.

The delivery of sabers and the Jura

After the first phase of instruction, the first acts for Leonor arrive at the Academy. The first, on September 19, with the delivery of sabers, which symbolizes the title of lady cadet. A second-year student hands over a saber to a first-year student, as a sign of companionship and guardianship. Along with the princess will be the 612 classmates and classmates. The Jura de Bandera will take place on October 7. The daughter of the Kings, through a kiss on her insignia, will express her oath or promise to defend Spain, even at the cost of her own life. The oath is the most transcendental act of the military career.