Powerful image of Leonor singing ‘Death is not the end’ in tribute to the fallen

Very moving tribute to the fallen at the Leonor Flag swearing ceremony at the Military Academy of Zaragoza. An hour and a half of the event, presided over by King Felipe VI. After the kiss and the promise of the Borbón soldier, the speeches began. The head of state had words for his daughter: “38 years have passed, and I think about what I felt then and what it means to me to preside, alongside the Queen and with pride, over the swearing-in of our daughter the Princess of Asturias. . It’s very exciting”.

“Leonor, remember that the commitment you have assumed entails the greatest responsibility towards Spain,” said the head of state. “You know well, as Crown Princess, that the Crown symbolizes its unity and its permanence”; and he added: “I know that you will always keep in mind that your responsibility is to serve Spain with all your energy and determination, with true passion.”

After these words, the tribute to the fallen has begun. Leonor, the rest of her fellow cadets and her father have intoned the solemn Death is not the end. At that time, two large laurel wreaths were laid as a sign of respect for his memory. The Princess, also like her father, has sung the anthem of the General Military Academy. And she has pronounced, from memory, an article from the cadet’s decalogue. A very powerful photograph of the Borbón soldier that projects the modern image of the new times in the Army.