Police search at Big Joke’s house: the person in charge of Daniel Sancho’s case, investigated for alleged bribery

News in Thailand, this time directly related to police number 2, Big Joke, in charge of supervising the case of Rodolfo Sancho’s son. The police officer is being investigated for alleged corruption and bribery. His house has already been searched by the authorities, although an arrest warrant has not been issued against him.

As reported by the state media Thai PBSthe authorities were searching at his home for evidence related to the alleged bribery of some 140 million baht (3.89 million dollars or 3.65 million euros) from an illegal online gambling group, the one run by Phongsiri ‘Bostal’ Tharawongsuk, former president of the Thai football club Lamphun Warriors.

As we said, after the search at his home there is no arrest warrant against Big Joke, although there is against 30 of his subordinate police officers allegedly involved in the case of the alleged bribery. “The cyber police do their job and we are cooperating (…) The fact that evidence is being searched even in the house of number 2 of the police force demonstrates our transparency. They are not going to find anything,” said the deputy director of the Thai police after the search at your home.

Meanwhile, the case of Daniel Sancho continues its course. Sancho Gracia’s grandson remains in Koh Samui prison after having confessed to the murder and dismemberment to the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta. On November 7, Silvia Bronchalo’s son will testify via teleconference with the Spanish justice system for an alleged crime of injuries that occurred in Madrid in 2019.