Pilar LLop opens the door for Ana Obregón to register her granddaughter in Spain: “It is a valid solution”

The Minister of Justice, Pilar LLop, has ruled on the possibility of registration in Spain of Ana Lequio Obregón, the granddaughter of Ana Obregón born in early April in Miami. Llop has acknowledged that the Civil Registry instruction approved in 2010 that contemplates recognizing babies as long as their situation has been regularized where conception and pregnancy took place seems to her to be a “valid solution.” The instruction, which is based on the best interest of the minor, is a real loophole for people who can pay for a surrogate abroad, an illegal practice in Spain, to break the Law.

Thus, the minister has left the door wide open for Ana Obregón to get away with it and, when she returns to Spain, to regularize the situation of the baby born by paying a woman to gestate her in Miami, supposedly conceived with a donated egg and the frozen semen of Aless Lequio, the presenter’s son who died three years ago due to cancer.

Pilar LLop has given all kinds of explanations about the “serious violation of human rights” that this reproductive practice entails, in an interview with Onda Cero. However, her assessment of the “valid” solution of the registration in Spain of those born by this procedure in other countries whose situation is regularized, leaves those human rights orphaned in our country.

The minister recalled that in Spain the Supreme Court has ruled on surrogacy in sentences handed down in 2014 and 2022, in which the judges establish that the conception of children by this procedure entails a “serious violation of human rights and fundamental rights”.

Thus, it has also pointed out that this violation affects the pregnant mother and the baby itself because “people are not just another consumer product and less so are boys and girls.”

It must be remembered that the case of Ana Obregón’s granddaughter violates several Spanish legal precepts. Not only that in our country it is prohibited for a woman to bear children for other people and commercialization with human beings.

In addition, the frozen semen of a deceased can only be used by his partner during the year following the death, and provided that the donor has expressed his consent in writing to carry out the fertilization. And, to make matters worse, in Spain it is forbidden to adopt a descendant, and Ana Obregón is the grandmother of that girl, if the semen used is really the one extracted from her son Aless before he began his treatments against Ewing’s sarcoma that he suffered, and that finally ended his life.

The door to registration is open, but it can create a precedent that, far from ending an unethical practice such as surrogacy, will encourage many people with means to break the law if they can afford it.