Pedro Sánchez’s pressure against the former president of RTVE to sign Broncano and deactivate Pablo Motos

Seven weeks have passed since Informalia announced that TVE wanted to sign David Broncano to deactivate Pablo Motos, considered by Moncloa to be a media scourge of Pedro Sánchez.

Since that February 28, when we revealed the Public Corporation’s plan to take over the services of the comedian from Jaen, snatching Movistar Plus + your most precious star, the political operation designed by José Miguel Contreras and assumed with great enthusiasm by the President of the Government, it has taken over the leadership of RTVE, including the interim president, the content director and the secretary of the Council.

As we already announced last week, this Thursday the Board of Directors will authorize the scandalous hiring of Broncano if, as Moncloa trusts, Elena Sánchez, former president but still a councilor with the right to vote (they cannot fire her if she does not resign) changes her mind and supports the signing that he rejected days ago even though it cost him the presidency, although he left ahead of José Pablo López, which has left TVE with its worst audience figures in a year.

Elena Sánchez, pressured through her husband, a friend of Zapatero, to change her vote and give the green light to Broncano’s scandalous contract

Of the nine councilors of the Public Corporation, it is certain that the new president, the socialist Concepción Cascajosa, Ramón Colom, former director of TVE and councilor proposed by the PSOE, Roberto Lakidain, Councilor proposed by Podemos, and the new president will vote in favor of incorporating Broncano. Juan José Baños Loinaz, from the PNV. To carry out the contract, they will also need the vote of José Manuel Martín Medem, from Sumar, who, according to our sources, is determined to give the green light to Broncano, and the aforementioned Elena Sánchez who, as they explain to us, has been ““touched” directly from Moncloa by Pedro Sánchez and Zapatero, as well as by the new president, Conchi Cascajosa. “Elena has been pressured through her husband,” they assure us. We are referring to the doctor and real estate developer Pedro Pablo Mansilla, a personal friend of former president Zapatero and well related to the current head of the Executive.

In the last bloody Council, the signing was paralyzed thanks to the contrary vote of the president and the only modification with respect to the contract rejected a week ago is that the first was for three years and the one that will be voted on this Thursday is for two, with a clause that would allow the show to be canceled access prime time only if it does not exceed 7.5% of share or 8.5% if late night but from the fourth month of the second season. Under these conditions, the two production companies, El Terrat and Encofrados Encofrasa, would in any case charge most of the figure offered by RTVE: 14 million for each of the two seasons. For a year and La Resistencia would be armored in La 1 even if no one saw it. Broncano has decided to take Jorge Ponce and Ricardo Castella with him as collaborators. We are talking exactly about a budget of 87,975.85 euros plus VAT on average for each of the deliveries of a daily program, from Monday to Thursday, paid for with public money on public television. Movistar Plus+ offers Broncano three seasons for 30 million, 10 for each season.

Furthermore, according to the schedule scheduled for the start of Broncano’s program, the Late Night News, currently presented by Marta Carazo, would cut its broadcast time by between 10 and 25 minutes, depending on whether La Resistencia began at 9:30 p.m. 21.45 to give more space to Broncano.
