from the divorce of Nicholas of Greece to the disappearance of his brother

The Venezuelan faces one of the most complicated times of her life. The last year has been marked by loss and pain after the divorce from her husband, Nicholas of Greeceand the mysterious disappearance of his stepbrother, Attilio Brillembourgin Malibu. At 44 years old, Tatiana Blatnik has experienced a profound transformation on a personal level: … Read more

“I threw a box of chocolates in my face”

The designer has been in the eye of the hurricane since last Saturday an offensive phrase for the gypsies. Lolita, Pitingo and several associations have shouted in the sky by the pata of leg of Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada But they have not been the only ones: numerous former employees of the businesswoman have … Read more

the elegance that crosses borders

The queen sofia He traveled to the French capital this Friday on behalf of the Spanish Royal Family with a very special mission: to attend the gala commemorating the 150th anniversary of the inauguration of the Palais Garnier, the historic headquarters of the Paris National Opera. An appointment for which she has dressed herself in … Read more

the lawyer’s gesture that smells like a breakup

Things have gotten complicated for the designer, at the center of controversy since last Sunday she said live that she lives “like gypsies” in reference to her last move, thus offending the entire community. Agatha Ruiz de la Prada She tried to settle the problem by apologizing to Lolita and others affected, and she would … Read more