A summer at zero cost

The COVID-19 crisis will affect Atlético's immediate future, an entity that has not stopped growing in its budget in recent years. And it has not stopped growing in workers either. The ERTE announced by Gil Marín is one of the club's measures to mitigate the great blow that the club is accusing. From a sports … Read more

Djokovic donates € 1 million to Serbian toilets

Novak Djokovic He was affected in current days by means of his social networks due to the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. Behind the solidarity mobilization of a number of elite athletes throughout this identical week, amongst that are Rafael Nadal, the one from Belgrade needed to contribute his grain of sand with a solidarity donation. Novak, … Read more

Roures: “Soccer losses could reach 7,000 million”

Jaume Roures, head of Mediapro, has quantified the losses to which European football is exposed if the coronavirus crisis could not allow the competitions to be concluded. While it is true, he stressed during an interview on RAC1 that all the parties “are interested in ending it. His position as owner of the main television … Read more

Liverpool want another Torres: Ferran

Ferrán Torres is one of the most valuable young talents in the world. The end of the Valencia has a promising future ahead and the greats of Europe, aware of their situation, they have their name on the agenda. twenty The Spanish, habitual with the selection U21, He has six goals and seven assists in … Read more

Martí, to his staff: “Do not lower your arms at any time”

Girona's coaching staff tries to maintain daily contact with its staff. And the positive messages are not lacking in each of the conversations that are held so that the confinement is as bearable as possible. This Friday night, the rojiblanco club wanted to show an extract of the speech that the coach, Pep Lluís Martí, … Read more

Neymar promotes a donation campaign against COVID-19

The Brazilian Neymar, front of Paris Saint-Germain, has joined a donation campaign to help with basic food baskets and hygiene products for families living in the favelas of Sao Paulo, one of the most vulnerable areas against the coronavirus pandemic. “Solidarity must be more contagious than the virus”, stated number 10 of the Brazilian team … Read more

The crisis slows the resurgence of Guedes and Cillessen

Gonçalo Guedes (40 million) and Jasper Cillessen (35) are the two most expensive signings in the history of Valencia. And both have had a similar trajectory so far this season. They started from the headlines, they had to stop due to an injury quite long and fair now they were beginning to shine, just when … Read more