Paco Blázquez announces his continuing Board of Directors, with a significant female presence


The president of the Royal Spanish Handball Federation (RFEBM), Francisco Blázquez, has announced the new Board of Directors for the cycle up to Los Angeles 2028, which is marked by the continuity of twelve members, with the incorporation of seven new people and in which women have a notable role.

Francisco Blázquez has formed a Board with seven new members, in addition to the eleven directors who will be repeating in the work team, and with a dozen women with extensive professional experience in handball and in the field of management.

As first vice president and deputy president, the historic Diana Box Alonso will combine her passion for handball with her position as Councilor for Sports and Health at Torrevieja City Council.

Two vice-presidents will be repeating, Blas Parrilla Cabrera and Juan Carlos Caamaño López, presidents of the Territorial Federations of the Canary Islands and Aragon, respectively. Benito González García, president of the Federation of Extremadura, will also continue in his position as treasurer.

Andrés Garde Yagüe, president of the Navarra Federation, will be back on the Board of Directors as members; Pedro V. Fuertes Penella, president of the Federation of the Valencian Community; Lydia Pena París, vice-president of the Catalan Federation; Jessica Alonso Bernardo, delegate of the Guerreras; Tatiana Garmendia López, president of the Bera Bera handball section; Carlos E. Sainer Cifuentes, former president of the Federation of Castilla y León; and two historic figures of Spanish handball, María Eugenia Sánchez Bravo and Patxi Lezaun Ciorda.

Joining the team for this new journey are Sebastián Fernández Molina, president of the Andalusian Federation and former elite referee; Verónica Cuadrado Dehesa, one of the best players in history and current team manager of the Guerreras; Mercedes López Pérez de Urabayen, president of Anaitasuna; Rosa Llorens Vallverdú, sports coach at Granollers; Israel González Guillén, former president of Agustinos Alicante; María del Mar Rodríguez Ruiz, head of the Women’s area of ​​the Technical Committee of Referees of the Andalusian Federation; and Natalia Moreno Salcedo, a coach from La Rioja and specialist in the world of management.

“We are starting a new period full of hope, very satisfied with how the federation has been managed over these eleven years. From a personal point of view, I am very grateful to each and every one of the directors I have had throughout the different mandates for their capacity for dedication and collaboration, which has allowed us to enjoy a multitude of successes, both sporting and organizational and management, in a golden age of our sport,” said President Blázquez.

“Diana Box, as first vice-president and deputy president, the vice-presidents and the treasurer, along with 8 members, will continue in this new stage. The seven new faces of the board, five women and two men, arrive full of enthusiasm, and with the desire to contribute their knowledge to the new challenges that lie ahead, enabling us to continue improving in all areas of management,” continued Blázquez.

The president of the federation concluded by acknowledging that the presence of women on the Board of Directors is a reflection of society and its sport. “Our project is based on teamwork, which is much more enjoyable, because you perceive the affection and enthusiasm of all of us who love handball,” he stressed.