Pacheta: “We are Villarreal and we have to get used to winning every day”


The Villarreal CF coach, José Rojo ‘Pacheta’, believes that the fact of belonging to a club like Castellón forces them to get used to “winning every day” and made it clear that a victory this Thursday against French team Rennes in the second Europa League matchday would be “a wonderful balm.”

“We are Villarreal and we have to get used to winning every day and that is how we are going to approach the game tomorrow Thursday to win, then football is very capricious but I think we can win and that is what we have worked for and we have prepared,” said Pacheta in the press conference prior to the crash.

The coach admitted that they are “excited to win again” this competition, in which they started with a defeat against Panathinaikos. “The only thing we have to do is give the players the tools so that they feel comfortable and safe, that they know what they are going to face tomorrow, as I think we explained to them. These players are many of them champions of the League Europe, then of course they are excited,” he stressed.

In his case, given that it is his first experience at a continental level, he does not hide that “as you age, you experience experiences and try to handle certain moments better.” “I wouldn’t like to not have the cats in my belly that I have, I have to have them because they activate me and put me on alert for the game,” he confessed.

Pacheta confirmed that he will finally not be able to count on Argentine full-back Juan Foyth, and although forward Gerard Moreno is “quite better”, he clarified that “we have to wait.” “Any type of injury or any type of discomfort takes away four or six games, so we have to be very careful,” he said.

The clash against Rennes can serve to see rotations and the possibility of a footballer like Manu Trigueros participating, who accompanied him at the press conference and who for the coach is a “legend.” “Now these last two games he has not played, but he is an example and it is a pleasure to train with professionals like this, who are there every day, do not decline and continue, that is why they have been in the elite for so many years,” he praised, also highlighting being ” very satisfied” with the new ones like Denis Suárez and Ben Brereton.

The ‘Yellow Submarine’ faces a “very young” and “aggressive with and without the ball” Rennes this Thursday. “You take away the two midfielders, especially Matic, who comes from ‘top’ teams in Europe and is on average under 23 years old. The two full-backs, Truffert and Assignon, are very vertical players and in attack they have very dynamic people who are going through a very interesting time,” he said.

“The game is going to be one in which they are going to try to go back and forth because it is convenient for them to go into space a lot, look for transitions a lot. They are a very tough team in duels, very strong, young, that suits you to try to get a lot of rhythm and we have to play our game, the one that best suits Villarreal, our players and our team. We have to dominate it, be masters through the ball and then be very safe with it,” explained the man from Burgos.

Pacheta hopes that his team makes “more scoring chances” than its rival and that it is “faithful” to what they train. “That is what will give us the prize and continuity when you want to win a championship,” he stated. “Of course we have to win, but we are not going to win any way, we are going to win based on what we are doing well. That is what I am feeling more and more times and that I try to transmit to the boys. I think we are in the way and of course the victory against Rennes would be a wonderful balm for everything that may come,” he said.