Pablo Iglesias regrets “the salad of hosts” that has been taken by Yolanda Díaz

The open ‘war’ between the parties of the left was even more evident this Sunday as a result of the interview with the second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Diaz, to Jordi Évole in La Sexta. The Minister of Labor and Social Economy is focused on her new project, Sumar, and she wonders if she will finally reach an agreement, pre- or post-electoral, with Podemos.

Politics had a few words about Pablo Iglesias, the former leader of the purple formation. It must be remembered that the relationship between Díaz and the former second vice president of the Government has been mutating throughout his political career. In his interview, the Galician politician admitted that he would not like to get into her head: “He is a curmudgeon,” he said.

“Negative politics is not done,” he added. He also confessed what he thinks about the speeches of Irene Montero’s husband: “I have already told him that he is quite grumpy, he is angry all the time.” In addition, he insinuated that he had suffered macho behavior both on his part and on the part of the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez.

Regarding the purple formation, Diaz assured that reaching an agreement is complicated, although not impossible, and launched a reproach: “There was a single meeting on a Monday with Podemos and they got up from that table and did not return to it (…) I trust in which we are going to add collectively, but serious things should not be taken that way”.

However, he trusts in future pacts after the regional and municipal elections on May 28: “I have seen people crying because they did not understand anything. The people of this country want us to shake hands,” he said.

Pablo Iglesias’ response

Iglesias, retired from politics since May 2021, has already reacted. Annoyed, he lamented: “I don’t know how yesterday’s wafer salad helps us do well in the municipal and regional elections.” Pablo thinks that Yolanda will not be proud of her statements: “I don’t think she is happy today, doing a bad interview has happened to all of us, and that is lived with great bitterness later.”

The former politician advocates for union and dialogue between parties on the left to achieve a new progressive government: “My question is: how does yesterday help us to get Ada Colau to become mayor of Barcelona again? Or, How does it help the left to hold on to the government of the Valencian Community? Or, how does it help us to stop (Isabel Díaz) Ayuso?”

Read also The video that Pablo Iglesias has rescued from Irene Montero: the minister was 22 years old

In this sense, he thinks that Díaz is completely wrong in his political strategy: “You have to work with another logic, normalize and naturalize that there are two different projects, with different styles, but that they must go together.”

Finally, Iglesias came out in defense of his party’s policies, whom Diaz barely named in his interview, as Irene Montero o Ione Herb: “[Yolanda Diaz] he ignored the women who rule in Podemos”. And he sentenced: “Hopefully the comrades lower their tone a bit and understand that, from respect for what each one represents, there can be an agreement.”