Omar Sánchez gets on the ‘pregnant Anabel’ bandwagon and hits her where it hurts most: “I was in a hurry, right?”

The pregnancy of Anabel Pantoja It has generated all kinds of reactions. Isa Pi, her mother, her cousin, friends, socialites… Everyone has wanted to give their opinion on the instagramer’s state of good hope and the last one has been Omar Sanchez, her ex-husband. The canary, away from the media since he got divorced in June 2023, has sat on the set of Friday to reveal how you are experiencing this situation: “The worst moment this year was the day I saw the cover that my ex-partner was pregnant.”

The surf instructor confesses that he spent the day crying: “I’m glad because I was looking for him but it was a hard day for me. I had the breakup with Marina, all the press calling me… I had to turn off the phone, I spent the day crying,” he said. “I thought ‘How quickly they did it’. They didn’t have much time. They were in a hurry, weren’t they?”he asks with a wry smile. “It shocked me because Anabel’s son could have been mine. She wanted to be a mother at all costs, when she was with Yulen she also wanted to. She had it in mind and it would have been with this couple or another, with me she also wanted to be a mother.”, he assured. “We had talked many times about starting a family but we didn’t try. Then everything went wrong and it couldn’t happen. Anabel changed her mind when I returned from Survivors and I didn’t understand it, that he wanted to marry me but not have a family.”

Omar and Anabel got married on October 1, 2021 on La Graciosa island. An important day for both of them that he now remembers in a bittersweet way: “My wedding day was one of the happiest of my life but if I knew what she thought I wouldn’t have married me. She lied to my face”, has said. And Anabel later confessed that she married 60% in love: “There is a serious thing that happens in Cantora, it happened to both of us and supposedly she lacked more attention or affection from me but she was also cold. You can’t say that you need more from me if you weren’t even one hundred percent in love.”

Many have called Omar an opportunist for his reappearance in the media these days. Others claim that he is still in love with her. He denies it and reveals that, currently, they do not have any type of relationship: “I have no feelings for her. I met her at a festival face to face but we didn’t even greet each other. I don’t know if she has resentment or anger for something but I have always spoken about her politely and I would like to have cordial treatment with her,” he concluded.
