“My mother put orfidal in my bottle”: the shocking headlines of Bárbara Rey’s ‘traitor’ son

Intense days for Barbara Reywho while her son speaks badly of her on Telecinco mourns the death of her brother Salvador. This Friday the interview of Angel Cristo Jr. in Mediaset. About his childhood, Ángel says: “The real nightmare was my mother”.

“The Moraleja house was a nightmare. There was fear, terror and blood. Everything came and went in that house: drugs, alcohol, prostitutes (…) My mother bore all the responsibility,” says the tamer’s son. circus, who gave other versions of his life in Bárbara Rey’s documentary on Antena 3 and other interviews.

He even goes so far as to say that his mother put orfidal in his bottle to get him to sleep: “My mother told me that I was born with a hiatal hernia, they detected it late, and since I didn’t sleep well and cried a lot, she told me that “Sometimes I put orfidal in my bottle so I would sleep better.

This, according to him, did not stop there: “The issue of giving me nerve pills has been very recurring for my mother all her life. She saw that there was a problem, but since she couldn’t identify what it was, the solution was to medicate me.” .

He has also said that he has now told this truth to “be happy and regain hope and strength”: “Because I can’t continue running away from my past, my family, and there is a moment when you have to talk.”

It must be remembered that this is the first interview offered by Bárbara Rey’s son alone and, according to Pepe del Real, his motivation is none other than money: “He has a debt for a maintenance pension that is not paid with the mother of his daughter. He is speaking for money and for money he would even be capable of attributing the paternity of his sister to third parties.” Barbara, for her part, is devastated and says that she will never speak ill of the person she brought into the world.

The lives of Bárbara Rey and Ángel Cristo Sr. were marked by his mistreatment and also by the consumption of drugs and alcohol at home. Something that their children experienced and that deeply marked their childhoods. Sofía Cristo, who has undergone detoxification treatments, began taking drugs because her father introduced her to it since she was just over 13 years old, according to what both Ángel Jr. and Sofía herself have said.