After the death of Maria Teresa Campos this Tuesday, September 5, at the age of 82, the focus inevitably also turned towards mustache rice, the man with whom the legendary communicator had her last sentimental relationship. The Chilean humorist already assured that he did not know that the mother of Terelu and Carmen Borrego was feeling so bad.
The comedian has received a wave of criticism in recent years for how badly their relationship ended. Also for all the controversies that were generated later with the daughters of both parties involved. “The one who should have asked for forgiveness is her to me, not me to her,” Bigote stressed this Tuesday in a telephone connection with Public mirror. The famous architect, Joaquín Torres, has disfigured his words this Wednesday.

The controversy has not stopped there, since Mustache has spoken again about María Teresa just a few hours after her intervention: “I lived six very happy years next to Teresita -which is her real name, for the information of many- , from which I never parted. Only when I had to see my business in America. Now it turns out that judges appear who speak as if they had lived by our side day by day. Incredible. Apparently, omniscient and omnipresent beings, “has insured in The Spanish.
For him, all the criticism he has received in recent years has been very damaging: “They are very rare intricacies that ended up bombarding our relationship. Teresita, intelligent, nice and very funny, revolutionary at all levels, a tireless worker, pretty and, I repeat, very intelligent. My children and family love her very much. And she will always be with me. And now, let the dogs bark.”
Edmundo and María Teresa dated for six years. Histórica is the cover of the communicator in Hola assuring that the Chilean left her via Whatsapp. In the wake of this, an unprecedented war began. Arrocet was away from the media spotlight for a time, although his comebacks have always been a constant. After the death of María Teresa it was not going to be less.