Movistar Team will support the youth of the Cafés Baqué team

Several sponsors will also join this joint adventure in search of young talents


The Spanish team Movistar Team will support the men’s and women’s youth teams of the Spanish team Cafés Baqué – and its Elkar Kirolak school – and will help, through material from mutual sponsors, in the search for young talent in a union of the two Spanish teams , professional and amateur, longer-lived.

“Faithful to the commitment, represented during almost half a century of existence, to support local and grassroots cycling, Movistar Team will support from the 2024 season the work of Elkar Kirolak, a school linked to Cafés Baqué, a historic team with more than forty years of experience. route,” the Movistar Team announced in a statement.

The Telefónica squad, being the only Spanish team in the elite of professional cycling, signed this “long-term” collaboration agreement with Cafés Baqué with which the Biscayan training structure will now have the support of Abarca Sports in its youth teams. , both male and female.

The Cafés Baqué teams will use, among other Movistar Team sponsors, Canyon as the official bicycle and 226ERS for nutrition. In addition, the ‘M’ of Movistar, Abarca’s main sponsor, will also appear on the official clothing of both teams.

“Movistar Team is thus linked to a legendary cycling brand in our country, Cafés Baqué, present in the amateur and professional peloton for four decades and which is now taking the step to the youth level,” highlighted Eusebio Unzué’s Navarrese team.

“The two longest-standing structures in Spanish cycling, amateur and ‘pro’, come together to collaborate for the future in the detection and promotion of cycling talent in the country,” concluded the Movistar Team statement.