The singer, who was robbed at his own home in the presence of his children last Friday in Mexico, wanted to give his version of what happened to clarify some of the information that has come to light in recent hours. The scene was worthy of a horror movie: “They kept my children, the house staff and me tied up for more than two hours.”
Miguel Bose He qualifies that there were ten (and not eight) hooded men who assaulted his house: “On Friday night, a command of ten armed individuals broke into my home. They assaulted us, they tied up my children, the house staff and me for over two hours.” And he details that his intentions were not to harm them: “They took everything, car included, everything very studied and meticulous. To make it short, we are all fine. My children behaved like two brave men. Admirable.”
The interpreter, who had returned to Mexico after spending a vacation in Majorca with Nacho Palau and their two children, added: “It was all very tense, delicate and unpleasant. This is the only version you should attend to. Things are being said that are not true.”

The artist finishes off his message by thanking the expressions of affection: “Thank you all for the support and constant concern shown, but rest assured. To my urbanization neighbors, the first to arrive, a thousand thanks from the bottom of my heart.” He also denies that he is going to leave Mexico after what happened: “To those who speculate so much, I am sorry to disappoint you: here I am and here I will stay, to face whatever, in the most hospitable country on the planet.”