Something smells rotten in Denmark: no doubt Hamlet’s famous phrase must have come to mind. Mary Donaldson As soon as she heard about the scandal of her husband having dinner in Madrid with Genoveva Casanova while she gave a speech in New York about bullying.

The Shakespearean tragedy that surrounds the marriage of the crown prince of Denmark and the Australian woman to whom His Highness has been married for almost 20 years occurs in the middle of a visit to Philip VI y Joy to Denmark. And this Tuesday Federico and the mother of his four children, together, with the Queen Margaretaccompany our Kings.

Before the publication of the photographs, Cayetano Martínez de Irujo’s ex has already rushed to tell the reason why, according to her, she met with Queen Margarita’s son in the capital. Ana Rosa Quintana has said about it: “I have spoken with Genoveva, she is overwhelmed and she told me that she has had a relationship with Federico for years and that there is a friendship between them. She has not told me what he was doing here, to a culinary or cultural visit, but she flatly denies that there is a romantic relationship between her and the heir to the throne of Denmark. She has put it in the hands of her lawyers. She says they are friends who see each other in Madrid.”
Mary from Denmark
Mary from Denmark turned 51 on February 5, 1972. On the occasion of her 50th birthday, in 2022 she launched Mary HKH, his official biography. The book collects the most symbolic central moments in the life of the Australian since 2004, the year in which she married the heir to the Danish Throne.

Executive and with great social charisma, Mary from Denmark is the youngest of four siblings. Her further studies in Law and Commerce at the University of Tasmania in 1994 helped her forge a brilliant career in advertising at the company Young & Rubicam, where she worked as an account director. She met her husband at the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000. After a very discreet courtship and a long-distance relationship, the marriage was announced, which took place on May 14, 2004.
Mary’s strong commitment to equality, against gender violence (she wrote an essay about it at university) and to the environment has been a constant in her life. She has four sons, Cristian, Isabel, Vicente y Josefina, thus inheriting the family structure model of his childhood. Mary, in addition to being the eco princess (she buys vintage clothes), chairs her foundation that ensures social inclusion, combating loneliness and reducing bullying in schools.

The princess enjoys the great sympathy of the Danes. Her public image is very positive, she has credibility and represents innovation and renewal in the institution. Her mother-in-law, Queen Margaret of Denmark, appointed her regent. It was in 2019. With this appointment, the monarch placed all her trust in her.
The women who have passed through the life of Frederick of Denmark
Although he apparently settled down with Mary Donaldson after meeting her in 2000, Federico’s love resume is extensive. When he was barely around 20 years old he had an affair with the Danish model Malou Aamund. On New Year’s Eve 1992, the two were arrested, causing great displeasure to Queen Margaret, who had not approved of her son’s relationship since before. They were in his car and she was driving (in a state of intoxication). Such was the commotion generated that in the Danish parliament they asked that the young man renounce his dynastic rights in favor of his brother Joachim.
Later, his family sent him to study at Harvard and there continued his romances with other young women. She fell in love with the underwear model Katja Storkholm and they had a relationship for two and a half years. The Danish Royal Family, again, did not like their heir’s new courtship. In 1999 he also dated the singer Maria Montell. But they were not the only women with whom he was related. He also made headlines for his youthful adventures with drama students.