As we have published in this portal, Martha I can he no longer has a job at Unicorn Content, the production company headed by Ana Rosa Quintana. This also assumes that the girlfriend of Antonio David Flores will not return to Fiestathe program that presents Emma Garcia every Saturday and Sunday on Telecinco and to which, according to her, she would return after a leave that he took at the request of his psychiatrist.
Also read: Borja Prado imposes the law of silence on Mediaset: whoever names Marta Riesco will receive what they deserve
“I confirm that I have received a communication of disciplinary dismissal from the company I have been working for since 2017 and in relation to it, I am only going to make the following assessments,” the reporter writes on Instagram.
“I am not satisfied with the reasons that the company has given to dispense with my services, so I announce that the dismissal will be challenged before the Labor Court,” he reveals. “On the advice of my lawyers, I announce that in the future I am not going to make statements about the development of the legal proceedings to challenge the dismissal that will take place in the coming months. I ask my colleagues in the media to respect this personal decision” , Add.

Caro climbed to I can manage the accident with Christina Porta that led him to launch harsh accusations against Borja Prado, the president of Mediaset. As our readers will remember, the journalist was tearfully on their social networks and he complained in this way about his boss: “We are teaching our children and adolescents not to give up against bullying. To denounce the abusers, tell their relatives. To the directors. Not to silence themselves. And now it is just what I do. Publicly denounce it and ask the president of my work to do something while they rebuke me and what they do to me the next day is remove me from my duties, not the abusers. That is the real example of what happens when we try to justice be done.”
That day, Marta put her job at risk and today she suffers the consequences. Difficult paints the economic future in the Riesco-Flores house. Antonio David was also removed from the Fuencarral chain as a result of the testimony of his ex-wife, Rocio Carrasco, in the first installment of his docuseries. Since then, the ex-husband of Olga Moreno He has fully dedicated himself to his YouTube channel, a platform that, according to specialized websites, pays one euro for every 1,000 views but is not stable at all. So far, the most viewed video on Antonio David’s channel is from a year ago, entitled “How La Fábrica prepared the first documentary”, and has 564,529 views.

The father of Rocio Flores Now more than ever, he will have to strengthen his facet as a YouTuber and Marta, for her part, as a mocatriz. Maybe competition will come out Rosalía in the music. It is worth remembering that Riesco appeared at one of the castings of Triumph operation. And although she passed the first phase, in the second she said goodbye to her dream of being a singer. sweetness can also tremble if they start to explode (more) grants from Instagram. That is, take advantage of brand invitations in exchange for publications on their networks. The point is that you have to invoice, as I would say Shakiraespecially since they must also maintain the apartment that has been bought in Malaga while they pay a rent of 1,500 euros in Madrid.