María Zurita shows off a new nose at the funeral of Fernando Gómez-Acebo: Felipe VI’s cousin gets a touch-up

This Monday, the Military Cathedral of Madrid welcomed the family and closest friends of Fernando Gomez Acebo, died at the age of 49 on March 1. Kings Felipe and Letizia, the emeritus, the infantas and the rest of the royal family have gathered to honor the memory of the youngest of the children of Infanta Pilar, who also died four years ago. Infanta Margarita, the only living sister of the emeritus, has arrived accompanied by her husband and her daughter, Maria Zuritawhich has captured all eyes showing off a new profile.

Felipe VI’s cousin has had her nose touched up, one of the most characteristic features of the Bourbons. At 48 years old, the businesswoman has harmonized her face, going from a sharp profile to a much softer one that she has boasted with a water wave hairstyle marked back, leaving her face very clear. A change that has caught many by surprise because, despite being very active on social networks, she had not shown it until this Monday.

María showed off her new immaculate porcelain face, with no trace of bruises or post-surgical marks, so the method that the daughter of Infanta Margarita could have used to show off this new nose is still a mystery. There are two: rhinoplasty, which requires entry into the operating room and a recovery of a couple of months; and rhinomodeling, much less invasive, based on substances absorbable by the body, such as hyaluronic acid.
