Terelu Camposwho will soon start working on TVE, and Carmen Borregowho will do the same on Telecinco, are devastated since the death of Maria Teresa Campos last September 5. Now, she has to face the most difficult thing for any daughter’s life, cope with her loss, live with her memory and keep her personal belongings in mind. The veteran communicator did not leave a will, although the Campos sisters are the legitimate heirs to distribute among themselves the only property left by the journalist.
“Although she was a very thorough woman and always liked to leave everything tied up and well tied, Teresa was also very superstitious and for this reason, she never wanted to make a will. It seemed to her that it was like calling for death and she told it to come when it had to come. , but that he was not going to prepare the way for him,” trusted people from the Campos family tell Week.

In this sense, they also add: “In addition, she was calm because she knew that her daughters, who were the ones she wanted to leave her assets to, were her legitimate heirs.”
The inheritance of Maria Teresa
The legacy that María Teresa leaves does not reflect her years of glory on television. She was a bad manager and investor, as she herself acknowledged in television interviews. She invested practically everything in her famous mansion with a heated pool in Molino de la Hoz. He put the house up for sale in 2015 due to the great expense it entailed. She finally ended up selling it in 2021, but for two million euros less than what she initially asked for (of the 4.5 that she asked for, she had to settle for 2.5).
In order to solve her liquidity problems, María Teresa also made another series of movements with her properties. Thus, in 2017 she sold the penthouse in Aravaca, on the outskirts of Madrid, for more than a million. In 2020 she also sold a 100 square meter apartment that she had in the center of Malaga for 400,000 euros.
After getting rid of these properties, the communicator only kept another house that she had had in Malaga since 1981. This one is 200 square meters with enviable views of the sea. According to Week, the house could still carry a mortgage. The property is valued at 900,000 euros.
In addition to this Malaga property, Terelu and Carmen also have a storage room full of their mother’s precious personal belongings, jewelry and the occasional piece of art.