“I’m Daniela, a new Malaga. I was born last Tuesday, August 29, very early, at 9:30 a.m. I weighed 3,590 kg and measured 51cm. Thank you for sending my moms so much love these days. I love my family.. .” María Casado has written on her Instagram, where she reflects the immense happiness they are experiencing at the moment.
“I am very well accompanied, not only with Martina but with Daniela, who now has very little left to see her face.” Those were the words of the Barcelona journalist at a gala at the Starlite Festival, in Marbella, just a few weeks ago. “She will be extremely lucky that music will not be lacking at home and her mother’s talent and nothing… I think she will enjoy it a lot,” she happily confessed.

Married, 45, and his girlfriend, the artist Martina diRosso, 33, are expanding the family with the arrival of their beloved baby. They also chose the networks to announce the desired pregnancy: “We are going to be moms! The family is growing.”