According to the ‘Daily Mail’, Chelsea would already have an agreement with Inter Milan for the striker to stay on loan for two years
Lukaku would be undergoing a strict diet after joining training with Inter overweight
![my wound](
Lukaku during his last spell at Inter Milan
Romelu Lukakurecently incorporated for the second stage in his career to the discipline of Inter de Milan, could spend two years in Italy on loan. This is how the English newspaper explains it Daily Mail.
After a complicated and disappointing season at the Chelsea, the English club would already have an agreement for the transfer to be extended by two years. The club understands that he has no future at Stamford Bridge despite having signed a five-year contract and this would be the reason for the agreement. To this is added that Lukaku he had a salary of 200,000 pounds a week and it did not sit well that declared before Christmas that he was not happy. In fact, as explained by the Daily Mail the Chelsea I would have preferred a sale.
And the new stage Lukaku in the Inter It hasn’t started in the best way. As explained The Gazeta of Sport, the Belgian striker would have returned to training overweight and the club has prepared a diet for him to lose up to 101 kilos, which he exceeds today. A process that he already went through when he arrived in 2019 from the Manchester United. On that occasion Lukaku would end up being the leader of the team and a key part of the team. Inter 2021 league champion.
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