The judge instructing the case has raised the secret of the summary. There are more than 4,000 victims in a total of 23 Spanish provinces.

The current coach of Espanyol, Abelardo.
The Court of Instruction No. 3 of Teruel, which investigates the network dedicated to extorting users from an internet contact portal, known as sextorsin, has raised the secret of the summary. This has allowed to know that, among the victims, figure Abelardo Fernndez, current coach of Real Club Deportivo Espanyol and former player of FC Barcelona, Sporting de Gijn and Alavs, in addition to international with the Spanish selection.
Segn collects the summary, cited on Tuesday by Herald of Aragn, Abelardo declared before the Civil Guard that he paid 30,000 euros distributed in four installments after receiving the telephone threats from a male who identified himself as “Roni or Yoni”, that I asked for money “to treat a cancer” He said to suffer.
As the athlete refuses to pay, the interlocutor threatened “to harm his wife and children” and said that if he persists in his refusal, the “threats will be carried out”. “For fear” that coercions will become facts, pag, through transfers, 2,000, 2,500, 12,000 and 13,500 euros, in response to four extortionist calls. Abelardo record before the Civil Guard on “very aggressive look” of the offender, that showed to know where the footballer and his family reside. Initially, I did not report the facts for fear of “reprisals.”
Last week, eight others involved in the plot of Teruel entered the prison sextorsin. The number of detainees is already around fifty, lThe investigated amount to 80 and a dozen remain in prison, including the two leaders of the organization. Among those investigated is Too Garca, a Levante player, who was arrested and, after remaining three weeks in the Teruel prison, was released without bail.
The number of victims rose to more than 4,000 in 23 Spanish provinces, with ramifications in other countries. Specifically in United States, Canada, Austria, Italy and Germany that will have paid the band up to 9,800 euros.
The organization that extorted and threatened users of contacts web pages had its address in the Valencian Community, although the first victims who denounced these events were from Teruel, which led to the instruction of the aforementioned court in the capital of Turolense.
Your headline, Jernimo Cano, has raised the Supreme Court that it is the National Court that takes charge of the cause given the high number of people affected and its extension “to practically the entire national territory”. In the case, crimes of extortion, threats, against the privacy of people, documentary falsehood, usurpation, money laundering and criminal organization are investigated.
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