are words of Philip VI, which he delivered at the gala dinner in honor of his guests, the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, and his wife, Verónica Alcocer. The dinner was held this Wednesday, May 3, at the Royal Palace of Madrid, with the assistance of Pedro Sanchez and representatives of state institutions.
The Head of State thus advanced the cooperation visit of Mrs. Joy to Colombia: “Spain has prioritized its Development Cooperation policies and efforts for decades, and bilateral and multilateral financial support to help in the areas of greatest need.” And he stressed: “Queen Letizia, in her constant dedication and support to Spanish Cooperation, will soon travel to Colombia to learn about and support some of our programs in situ, and will bear witness to the great solidarity vocation of the Spanish people, which Colombia knows well “.

This trip will be the eighth of cooperation. It is scheduled for June, according to EFE, citing sources from Casa Real. The Queen turns to her international agenda alone. She methodically prepares the trip, the program and the content, which usually integrates fields related to women, gender equality, childhood, health and education.

His cooperation trips, from Honduras to Mauritania
His last visit was to Mauritania in May of last year. Letizia, accompanied by the AECID (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development), had the opportunity to see first-hand the work of Spanish cooperators in health, equality, rural development and food security programs. Mauritania was her seventh tour. She previously visited Honduras and El Salvador (in 2015); Senegal (2017); Dominican Republic and Haiti (2018); Mozambique (2019); Honduras again (2020), on a humanitarian aid trip in the midst of a pandemic; and Paraguay (2021).