He no longer cares about the criticism, labels or comments that are poured out on him. Since he married Fran Antón, Kiko Hernandez, at 47 years old, lives without hiding an identity that for a long time he wanted to keep secret despite being a public figure. After the end of Save mehe Big Brother She leads a discreet life in Melilla, where together with her husband, five years younger, she lives happily with the twins. April and Jimena, to whom it seems that they do not rule out giving them a little brother. For the first time since they got married, the couple has dared to pose for Shanghai to talk freely about your relationship, your projects or your future plans. Kiko got married on September 16 in Melilla, finally publicly demonstrating who is the person who occupies her heart.
Among the most notable things that have been said to Nacho Fresno in this very personal interview, Kiko has confessed that he no longer fears the “haters” who may criticize him for posing with his husband after being “locked in the closet” for so long. In fact, he admits to understanding the criticism, as he says: “If I have been a son of a bitch for twenty-five years on TV, how are they going to tell me now: ‘Oh, how pretty, how handsome you are!’. Well no, Cada one receives too.” Furthermore, she easily claims: “Everyone comes out of the closet when they want, okay?” She also opens up saying: “I’ve gone out whenever I felt like it. As if I’d wanted to be inside all my fucking life. “That’s my issue, not the people’s opinion,” points out the man from Madrid, who recognizes that in the program presented by Jorge Javier they wanted to ‘take him out of the closet’ “five hundred thousand times.” And he says proudly: “And they haven’t done it.” , I did it when I felt like it. I got up on the pulpit and when there was a week left for the program to end, I said it because that was when it came to me to tell it.” At one point in the interview, when Kiko is asked how she hid her boyfriends when she hadn’t spoken publicly about his sexual condition, he drops the bombshell: “I hid it from some because they were better known than me.”
Kiko and Fran have also taken advantage of their posed with Shanghai to talk about the projects they have in common, because in addition to being producing together in Madrid ‘The wedding of the year’, a rogue show with transvestites and drags, together they have another project that they will carry out with their production company KH ANTÓN: a tribute to Maria Jimenez con Argentine Empire.
However, the common project that unites them most right now is their family, and in that aspect they have confessed that in the future they would like to give Abril and Jimena a little brother. In fact, Fran Antón has also expressed her clear intention of giving the girls her last name. “They are my daughters too (…). At first we told them that we were together, then that we were going to get married, then they called me “dad two”, then “dad Fran”. Love, affection has been emerging. Not right now I feel that they have a difference between the two. In the end we are two parents, with our two girls, and in the future we will have another little person“Kiko’s husband said.