bethlehem esteban made the set shake Save me this Wednesday when he put on the table the name of Fran Anton as the person responsible for the happiness of Kiko Hernandez. An opinion that his former big brother did not like at all, that he has always denied that he has anything more than a friendship with his playmate.
Also read: Kiko Hernández explodes after being caught (again) with Fran Antón: “I pee on the testimonies”
“I think Kiko Hernández is in love, I think he is with Fran Antón and I wish him all the happiness in the world,” said Jesulín’s ex while debating whether or not they were afraid of facing certain collaborators and their information.
“Well, long live the boyfriends!” Hernández replied sarcastically. “I know he’s going to get angry…”, she pointed out while Kiko interrupted him: “Yes, I get angry because since there’s nothing, you can’t say that you believe it and that’s it.” However, her friend seemed to not care and insisted: “I see him happy. That’s what I base it on.” “I am neither with Fran Antón nor with a hippopotamus… but I am happy,” he settled.

It was last summer when the information about a possible sentimental relationship between Kiko and Fran began to come to light. The rumor was gaining more strength and the photographs of both in different plans and cities did not stop being published. On New Year’s Eve, in fact, Hernández ate the grapes with Fran and her family in Melilla.
But the tertullian has assured actively and passively that Antón is only a friend whom he knows thanks to the theater (he was the director of his play Different) and that the insinuation bothers him, because if it were true, he would have no problem confirming it: “They imply that we are dating and it is not like that, I wish I were in love and had someone, but no. We are not even close friends, just friends We work together in the theater. If I go to have a drink with him, are we dating?”