Key meeting between Piqué and Shakira: lawyers, catering and an agreement at the table

The Catalan is still hungover (emotional) after last Saturday he said goodbye, in tears, to the Camp Nou and the fans that have supported him during his two-decade career. And with his emotions running high, this Monday he attended the meeting called at the house of Shakira to negotiate about their situation and the custody of their children, Milan and Sasha.

Also read – What if Shakira was unfaithful? A friend of Piqué opens the box of thunder: “Perhaps everything was the other way around”

Gerard Piqué He has avoided the media, who have not been able to capture his input, but that of his lawyer, Ramón Tamborero: “We hope to reach an agreement, of course. We have the will to do things well, otherwise we would not be here”. Of course, he has made it clear that the former soccer player maintains his intention to be a “present father”, so the possibility of the children moving to Miami with his mother remains the main point of conflict.

Shakira has hired a catering service to make the meeting as friendly and comfortable as possible for everyone. The Colombian and the Catalan have not shared a table and tablecloth since March 17, since the meetings to take over with the children during these months have been brief and very tense. Despite the situation, they are willing to give in in order not to go to trial and this Monday was a key day, since everyone’s intention is to sign an agreement and end the negotiations.