Kate Middleton dares everything: this was her wheelchair rugby match

Kate Middleton has played a game of wheelchair rugby to mark Rugby League Inclusion Day. It must be remembered that the Princess of Wales has been royal patron of the Rugby Football League since the Prince Harry had to renounce this title after his departure from the British crown.

Without losing her smile and dressed in sports equipment, William of England’s wife traveled this Thursday to the Allam Sports Center at the University of Hull, in Yorkshire, to participate in a very special friendly match and take a first-hand interest in the Physically Disabled Rugby League (PDRL).

Kate, with a bandage on her fingers due to a wound she got while playing with her children, has shared a game with the players who were proclaimed world champions in 2022. She already met with them at the beginning of the year at Hampton Court Palace .

It is not the first time we have seen George, Louis and Charlotte’s mother so excited about sports. We have already seen her playing cricket in India, rowing in Germany or so happy every year at Wimbledon, where in the last edition of the championship she presented the trophy to none other than the Murcian. Carlos Alcaraz. Since he was young, he has also played soccer, water polo and has stood out in horse riding. A passion for sports and a healthy lifestyle that he passes on to his three little ones.