Julio Salinas's Notes: “Lionesses reign in Europe”

10. Lionesses reign in Europe

Fifth consecutive continental title for the Spanish women's rugby team, which was proclaimed European champion for the eighth time on Saturday. Las Leonas did it by beating the Netherlands in Guadalajara mercilessly, with a score of 87-0. In addition, the players of José Antonio Barrio thus achieved qualification for the semifinal of the qualifier for the World Cup in New Zealand 2021, where they will face Ireland, a tall rival, in a single match. Not to be missed.

9. Historical and heroic Granada in Naples

Granada have made history this week in the Europa League by eliminating a team as powerful as Naples to enter the round of 16 through the front door. He did it in a heroic way, resisting in the Diego Armando Maradona Stadium the onslaught of Gennaro Gattuso's team, who ended up unhinged looking for absurd excuses. Diego Martínez's team was better in the 180 minutes.

5. Mugging a rugby player is a bad idea

What a scare a robber got when he realized that his ‘innocent’ victim was giving him a lesson in his own face when he tried to rob her in the doorway of his house. The criminal could not even imagine that it was not just any woman but a rugby player: Laura Alonso, from Rugby Hortaleza in Madrid. She stood up to him until she got rid of him. The ‘thief’ ended up fleeing in pain.

2. Tiger Woods' accident will not be able to with him

Tiger Woods will have to reinvent himself after the serious car accident he suffered at the age of 45, with several fractures in his right leg and a logical diagnosis: it is not expected that he will be able to compete at a good level in professional golf until within one year. But the American has already come out of other wells for physical reasons (back operations) or psychological. To return to.

0. European competitions, adulterated

Restrictions on flights from the United Kingdom, in place in Germany and Spain to control the British strain of the coronavirus, have corrupted European competitions. Atlético and Real Sociedad had to compete in the first leg at home against Chelsea and Manchester United in Bucharest and Turin, respectively, but with the returns in England (Real is already KO). Both in neutral field or neither. It is nonsense.