Juan Carlos I lights the media fuse: he announces his visit to Sanxenxo via the media and heats up the pre-regatta atmosphere

That Casa Real and Moncloa knew of the imminent visit of Juan Carlos I to Spain and were aware of it seems entirely logical and sensible for security reasons. Even if this is a private visit. Precisely for this reason, because it is an activity of the former head of state in the private sphere, there are no prior official communications or confirmations. Unless it is done expressly (like the meeting that father and son had in Zarzuela in May 2022, for example).

In the countdown of the flight of Juan Carlos I to Vigo bound for Sanxenxo (note that last year’s journey is also repeated), all eyes are on the emeritus himself. It would have been he who lit the media fuse and leaked his trip to the media. “Juan Carlos, who is a world sailing champion, comes to Spain with the intention of revalidating his title. Before that, he will go to London where he has been invited to lunch with Carlos III,” announced Susanna Griso in Public mirror. “The season starts with the regattas in Sanxenxo, a piece of news that confirmed us from Abu Dhabi,” launched Griso. Clearer, the water.

The dates being considered are from Wednesday, April 19 to Sunday, April 23. The world. The father of don Felipeaboard the Bribón, will participate that weekend, on the 22nd and 23rd, in the regattas of the Real Club Náutico in the town of Pontevedra.

Let us remember that we already experienced this environment of maximum expectation in May 2022 in the port of Sanxenxo and on the jetty. Every minute and every movement of the emeritus in the Ría de Pontevedra was broadcast live. A media hurricane that devastated television, the digital press and the networks and that collided with the wishes of Zarzuela, who expected a discreet visit with a lower profile. Let’s see what happens this year.