Jorge Javier Vázquez announces a new pump by Ana Obregón: “Some media are going to censor it”

The presenter has added fuel to the fire that he lit last Tuesday when the magazine Week advanced that Ana Obregon she had become a mother by surrogacy at the age of 68. Seven days later, when we thought that few plots in this new soap opera could surprise us, javier javier He has put honey in our mouths: “Lecturas is going to publish a cover this Wednesday that other media are going to censor, I am convinced.”

Also read – Ana Obregón lived in terror the last months before becoming a mother: “I was afraid that something would go wrong”

The one from Badalona did not want to reveal more details but he did reveal: “When the director told me, I was absolutely knocked out”. And he added: “There is much speculation that Ana Obregón will give an exclusive in the greeting magazine. I assure you today that, no matter how much Ana Obregón speaks tomorrow, the cover of the week is the one she has tomorrow Lectures. Tomorrow is the counter chronicle of last week’s news.”

The networks have not been slow to make conjectures about the allegedly ‘bomb’ content of this Wednesday. Many users point out that it would have something to do with the paternity of Ana Obregón’s daughter, since the theory that she could have been conceived with her son’s sperm Aless, who died three years ago from cancer, is one of the great unknowns in the news. Others suggest that the protagonist of said cover will be Alessandro Lequiowhose latest statements sowed doubt and concern: “There are some issues in the process that I was not informed about.”