Jorge Javier Vázquez, after the quick cancellation of ‘Cuentos Chinos’: “I will always have Tinder”

Jorge Javier Vazquez He had only three weeks to prove that Chinese Stories could surpass the classics of the nighttime slot in audience: The Anthill, First Dates y The intermediate. After the poor results, Mediaset canceled the new talk show this Thursday, September 28. Now, given the rumors of a possible emotional slump for the presenter, Jorge Javier surprises the networks with: “I will always have Tinder.”

Jorge Javier once again takes refuge in social networks to comment on his latest movements on television. After the poor audience at the premiere of Chinese Storieswho was presenter of Save me For a long decade he published: “Let’s see, yesterday I took a roll call and the truth is that hundreds of you were missing. Hundreds of thousands, I mean. So spread the word.”

Precisely, the lack of spectators watching the house of Esperanza Aguirre or the interview Manuela Carmena made Mediaset say goodbye to Vázquez’s new television project. Once the cancellation of the format was confirmed, the presenter returned to the networks to add a touch of humor to the tragic news.

“I came to the neighborhood willing to stay for a long time, but the rents are through the roof! It was not to be. From here my most sincere congratulations to Pablo Motos, Carlos Sobera y Wyoming“, he wrote on his X profile, the old Twitter.

Now, just four days after the program’s cancellation, rumors about a possible mental crisis for the presenter are spreading like wildfire. For this reason, Jorge Javier breaks the silence this Sunday on his Instagram account by responding to a publication in Semana magazine with an unexpected: “I will always have Tinder.”