Jorge Javier, in his toughest professional moment, talks about Mila again: “My body asks me to continue remembering her”

It is difficult to turn the page and cope with the pain when the person we lose is one of the most important people in our lives. In the case of Jorge Javier Vazquezthe presenter went into deep sadness when his great friend and confidant, Mila Ximenez, lost her life from lung cancer that June 23, 2022. Since then, it has been difficult for her to lift her head and there is not a day that goes by that she does not remember the good times with her. This Wednesday, he did the same on her weekly blog.

The one from Badalona, ​​which suffered a major television setback after the rapid cancellation of Chinese stories on Telecinco, has revealed that before Isa Pi’s wedding, held last Friday, October 13 in Seville, he met with the brother of the missing journalist: “Before going to the wedding I had lunch with Manolo, Mila’s brother, at I hadn’t seen him in a long time. The last time was for a little while during the signing of my latest book in Seville. Cristina and I were with him and we had a wonderful lunch. Most of the time we talk, of course, about Mila“.

Despite the deep pain, her loved ones are now able to talk about her in a different way: “We are now at the moment where we can talk about her smiling and remembering epic moments with clean laughter. that has left us marked for the rest of our lives. From his legendary anger to his unforgettable audios.”

The death of the collaborator left him a great void from which, sadly, he has drawn a lesson: “From saying goodbye to Mila I have fundamentally learned one thing: that There is no way to avoid the pain when a loved one leaves. There is no choice but to suffer for a season. I’m Sorry, but it’s like that. Of course, the frequency of pain modulates, It is not always unbearable or heartbreaking. But a time spent having a hard time, no one can take it away from you.. “It’s good to know and not try to fluff the wing.”

In this sense, the communicator adds: “You have to give shelter to the pain, know that for a time you will have it as a tenant in your heart. But the day will come when that tenant will leave and if you have learned, you will realize that you will not intend to occupy that void. Because there are people who leave such a mark on your life that it is a labor of lost love to try to fill their absence.”

After lunch with Mila’s brothers, she became homesick: “I was happy to spend that time with Cristina and Manolo talking about Mila because I My body asks me to continue remembering it, to keep it in mind. I really like it when I find memes of his on the networks or a piece of one of his interventions in a television program.”

For him, there is no one left with his television influence: “It is then that you realize how in a medium as ephemeral as television Milagros Ximénez de Cisneros – ‘Mila’ for posterity – his imprint is still valid. Woman committed to the flight of a fly. We still miss her very much. Because life is different and we will have to get used to it. Television, too, but that’s harder for me to get my head around.”

Thus, the presenter highlights all the qualities that his companion of so many afternoons had: “There is a lack of voices as dedicated to the show as Mila’s, who was very clear that to carry out a program you had to roll up your sleeves and even, sometimes, immolate yourself.. Because television, like the Los Javis series, has to stain. At least, the one that’s cool to me. I also have to say that now that I’m out of the loop It is increasingly difficult for me to give an opinion on the TV that is being made. I wouldn’t like to end up being a Felipe González or an Alfonso Guerra of life“, he declared.

Jorge goes to the emergency room

This Monday we learned that the presenter had to go to the emergency room at La Zarzuela Hospital in Madrid, suffering from pain in his left arm. It must be remembered that in 2010 he underwent surgery for a fracture of the coronoid process in this arm after suffering a fall in the shower. Since then, “everything indicates that this matter continues to torment him and give him some scares,” as El Español highlighted.

Jorge has suffered different health problems in recent years. The big scare related to his health occurred years ago, in 2019, when he suffered a stroke. In 2021 he also had to deal with acute laryngitis. During his 2022 vacation in Peru, he also suffered an episode of “altitude sickness” that led to pulmonary edema for which he had to travel so many kilometers from our country.

On the other hand, we must remember that he left Save me weeks before its end on June 23 due to medical prescription. The new television season started with a certain optimism due to her new professional adventure at Telecinco, although only three weeks after the start of Chinese storiesMediaset made the decisive decision to cancel the program after the disastrous audience results.