Jorge Javier arrives at Isa Pantoja’s wedding and reveals the pact they have reached: “If her mother is there…”

Jorge Javier Vazquez has already arrived at the wedding One Pantoja y Asraf Beno, which will be celebrated this Friday, October 13 at 6:30 pm in Seville, specifically at the Hacienda de Al-Baraka. The presenter from Badalona, ​​who acts as godfather to Isabel Pantoja’s daughter, spoke upon his arrival at the farm.

The communicator is a very special person for the bride: “At no time did I hesitate to be her godfather. I spoke with her this morning and she told me that she was not very nervous yet. I also told her that we have to rehearse the walk because she has have to come out perfect and leave nothing to improvisation,” Jorge confessed.

The folklorist is not expected to appear at her daughter’s wedding due to family estrangements, but just in case, Isa and he have reached an agreement: “If at any time she tells me not to go out because her mother or her brother is there, Because in the end they wanted to come, I told them that nothing would happen, that I would understand and that I wouldn’t go.

This Wednesday, just two days before the wedding, Jorge wrote a letter to Isabel Pantoja through his weekly blog. He encouraged her to go to her daughter’s wedding: “I hope you go. Because maybe, in a few days, or months, or years, you will think that I wish you had gone. And maybe that thought will cause you pain, sadness, grief. And Today you have time to avoid it.”

In this letter, he also spoke of the conflict they have open: “I just wrote to you, Isabel, that I would like to chat with you. There was a time when we had complicity. That we spent hours on the phone. That we laughed. There was a time, also, in which we took to kill. And that we waged an all-out war that, it is time to recognize it, kept us very alive.”

Isa Pantoja and Asraf got married civilly this Tuesday in Fuenlabrada. This Friday they celebrate their wedding surrounded by friends and loved ones. Isa would have liked to see her mother among the guests, but everything seems to indicate that she will not even appear there. A few weeks ago, Isa Pi herself confessed that she does not maintain a relationship with her mother: “I have tried by all means to get closer and be well,” she lamented on Telecinco. This Wednesday she also explained: “I would have liked him to be there on the day of the wedding, but it would have been enough for me to see each other days before to, for example, eat together.”