The difficult situation they are going through Joaquín Prat and his family because of Federicothe presenter’s brother who has been dragging addiction problems for years, did not come to light until a few weeks ago, when Federico himself told it in an interview. Now, Joaquín has broken his silence.
Also read: Joaquín Prat stands and shows his anger with his own program: “I can’t fool the viewers”
It all happened in It’s already noon where they showed images of the physical deterioration of Camilo Blanes after leave the hospital voluntarily. “What a pity” said the presenter.
Marta López pointed out that neither Camilo Sesto’s son, nor his mother, were clear when talking about the problem that Blanes has and Prat took the opportunity to defend them: “They don’t have to say anything either, there are simply people and unfortunately it is so He does not allow himself to be helped, who go through circumstances in life that not even the affection of the family or of the couple, of the children, save him from the hell in which he is involved”.
In case it was not clear, Joaquín confessed that the reality of the singer’s son reminded him of that of his family: “We can talk about the reality of Camilo or of many other families, my own. There is no more, I hope I find a way to get ahead without having to go through such hard income and situations,” he said.
Frederic’s interview
“I wanted to thank everyone who is helping me here, those who have contributed a euro, or two euros. Right now I have a place to stay, I have my house and I pay the rent with what I get from the street. I don’t spend it on drugs or alcohol, only on my rent and I invite everyone to check it out,” confessed the son of the presenter of El Precio Justo.

Federico affirmed that he is one more among the neighbors, who feed him daily, and he wants to find a job: “From here I want to make an appeal, if there is a job on television or at sea, I am a merchant seaman, or waiter, painter… Whatever, I’m actively looking for a job because you can’t spend your whole life on the street. Being on the street asking is not my thing,” he explained in this almost five-minute video. “I am an honest and hard-working person.”
He also said that, despite his situation, he has not wanted to ask his family for help: “I have a somewhat delicate relationship with them, I’m not happy with them and we barely talk to each other. It’s complicated.”
The Prat family statement
“My brother Federico is a wonderful being with a heart of gold. He is and has always been loved at home, educated and affectionate and sensitive. And unfortunately he is also an addict,” the statement begins.
“For more than 12 years my mother and we as brothers have tried to help him, accompanying him in numerous rehabilitation treatments, centers of all kinds and also at home,” continues Joaquín Prat in the note signed by all Federico’s brothers and with a united family photography

“Finally and after a hard road, especially for my mother, this will only be understood by those who have had to experience the same thing in the first person. Fede himself chose to live in the south and continue with his addiction,” continues the text released this Sunday by the Prats.
“During all this time, my mother has taken over and continues to take over every month in charge of the place where she lives, and although she has had opportunities, she has continued to be immersed in the terrible and filthy world of drugs,” the note adds.
“We no longer hope that one day it will be cured, but we do hope to have family privacy to continue managing it in this way that is less harmful to everyone. Sometimes things are not what they seem. There are many years of suffering that only we know about. I wish that no one had to go through this. Neither the patient nor the family than the family that unfortunately suffers the same”, they lament. “Judging is very easy, but life is not black or white. Our family is a pineapple for better and for worse and it will continue to be that way. Thank you for understanding,” the statement concludes.