Javier Milei doesn’t get along with love either: did his girlfriend Fátima Flórez leave him for an ex-husband?

After the speech that Javier Miley performed last Sunday at a Vox rally, where he called, although without naming her, the woman of Pedro Sanchez, the diplomatic crisis between Spain and Argentina continues to worsen. This is by no means the first time that Milei has perpetrated devastating attacks against heads of state or rulers of other countries. The Argentine president went so far as to call his compatriot Pope Francis a “representative of evil on Earth,” he called the president of Mexico “ignorant” and the president of Colombia “a terrorist murderer.” However, diplomatic tension is not Milei’s only open front. It seems that the Argentine president is not going through the best moment on a personal level either: Fatima Florezthe actress and comedian from whom she separated last November, has contacted her ex, Noberto Marcos. Could this be the reason why the star left the Argentine president?

As Nancy Duré explained in Show Partnersthe famous actress would have called the producer crying: “Fátima spoke with Norberto. There was a talk with him, they are going to deny it like they denied a lot of things, but the talk existed”, he revealed. “Fátima misses Norberto. Not only as a couple, but she fundamentally misses him as a producer. She entered into dialogue with Norberto again. Next week he will return to Buenos Aires and there will surely be a face to face meeting.”, he assured. According to Duré, Fátima was seen crying in the dressing rooms, while she said that she missed her relationship with her ex-husband, with whom she was for more than two decades and was the representative of her artistic career: “I was saying that they were talking, no matter how much they denied it,” said the talk show host.

For his part, Noberto Marcos denied wanting to have contact with the actress, after hearing the news that he had separated from Milei: “It’s their problem, I have nothing to do with it. I know the same thing you know. I can’t talk about something I don’t know.”the producer snapped, making it clear that he would have no intention of seeing his ex-wife again.

The breakup of Milei and Flórez

It was last November when the Argentine president and his partner, the actress and comedian Fátima Flórez, decided to separate and end the affair that began in 2023. According to the official version, the professional commitments of both prevented them from continuing with the relationship. They met on an Argentine television program, when the ultra was in full campaign for the presidential elections.

From then on, a romance began that was the subject of criticism and rumors: from possible pregnancies to a fake relationship to result in victory in the Argentine elections or strong fights between them.

It was Milei himself who announced the breakup in have entrusted us, it has led us to live separately, making it impossible to have the relationship that we would like to have, despite how much we love each other.
