Isabel Pantoja breaks with everything (and everyone) due to medical prescription: only Agustín remains

In Kiko Riverais Isa, in Anabel if you want. The tonadillera has closed Cantora’s doors firmly and blocked her phone and her social networks. Isabel Pantoja He has gotten rid of the few ties he still had with the outside world and has even broken up with his closest friends. All by medical prescription: “he has disconnected from everything and everyone, he needs to rest and take care of himself.”

The singer has had emotional problems for years, not only due to the complicated relationship with her children and the death of her mother but also due to her debts to the Treasury and her entry into prison. “She goes to a specialist for a serious problem, a cumulative problem. She hasn’t finished finding her place or feeling well since she left prison”they told this Friday in YAS.

A situation that we had already realized and that reached its climax last year, when Kiko Rivera kicked her out of the hospital after suffering a heart attack. “From then on there was a mental decline that Isabel has never overcome. The family is completely broken, not only her relationship with her children but also with her grandchildren, and it has destroyed her.”

Thus, the doctors have advised Isabel Pantoja to distance herself for a time from everything that harms her and focus solely on herself and her work, something she cannot give up, since she must pay her debt to the treasury. : “He owes more than two million euros,” they said. She is taking care of herself to arrive perfectly to her next concert, in Barcelona on December 30, and the only one who is by her side is her brother Agustín.