Isabel Pantoja: a mother reappears in the most difficult moments of a child

Kiko Rivera he called her a “bad mother” and other terrible things. She did it repeatedly, to millions of viewers and getting paid. But he is her son. That little soul that the tonadillera carried in her entrails, the fruit of her love for Paquirri, needs her more than ever and she has not taken long to leave Cantora for Seville to be by her side and hold her hand while she recovers from the stroke that has paralyzed the whole family.

Isabel Pantoja She is willing to forget all the damage that Kiko has done to her in recent years: the complaints, the insults, the humiliations, the attacks, the betrayals… And not only her: One Pithe sister who only a few weeks ago stated that she would never forgive Kiko, was the first to appear at the hospital this Friday to see him.

Read also – First words of Irene Rosales after Kiko Rivera’s admission due to a stroke: “It was caught on time”

The two will be left with the desire, for the moment: Kiko Rivera needs peace of mind and neither of them provides it at the moment. In fact, the DJ suffered an anxiety crisis when he learned that his mother was on her way to Seville ready to enter the hospital outside visiting hours, like an elephant in a hardware store. The patient has ordered the doctors to stop him and be his wife, Irene Rosales, the only one who happens to see it. She has confirmed: “Yes, of course, Isabel wanted to come now but I told her to wait, she’ll see him when he’s on the floor because now it’s better that he be calm. She’ll be with him, of course, he’s her son.”

If everything goes well, the DJ will be transferred to the floor during the weekend and then, yes, there will be a reunion with his mother, whom he has not seen since he himself ran to Cantora to console her for the death of her grandmother, in September 2021. The stroke that Kiko suffered in the early hours of this Friday could change the course of history, of the family, one that was already broken and in which peace seemed like a utopia, but only time will tell if the rapprochement between mother and son will be stronger than quarrels.