Isa Pantoja, shocked by Dulce’s worrying interview: “I didn’t know about the pills”

One Pantoja spoke this Friday about the interview that Dulce gave this week to Readings. The young woman’s former nanny said that she has suffered from chronic depression for years, even taking pills to end her life.

Asraf Beno’s wife has admitted on the set of We’ll see what He knew about Dulce’s delicate mental health. However, she was unaware of how serious she was.. “I knew the situation he was in, but he didn’t know about the pills, he hadn’t told me,” she said, stating that what happened “affects” her and “hurts” her.

However, he doesn’t think it’s fair to blame anyone for “his episodes.” “It’s not really anyone’s fault, but her own, that she closed herself off with us and to this day she cannot live her life as she would have wanted…” “We were really with her, I lived with her in the summer and she took me to certain places. “I was crying and my mother was calling her,” she added.

“I understand that people don’t understand it, those are my feelings, you have to respect them. Not all families are the same, I have not had an uncle or grandmother figure, for me she is like a second mother,” Kiko Rivera’s sister clarified.

Finally, Isa Pi has clarified that he has helped Dulce financially when she needed it: “I have not only helped Dulce, but many people… I am here for the good times and the bad times“. “In those cases is when I do it a lot more. I cannot say when or how I have done it, but I can assure you that I have always been there when they have needed me and that, luckily, I have been able to do it those times, with everyone,” he concluded.

Isabel Pantoja was not invited to her grandson’s communion

On the other hand, we must remember that last weekend the first communion of Alberto, Isa Pantoja’s son, took place. The photos were published by the magazine Readings and there were notable absences, among them, that of Isabel Pantoja, who did not attend. “I had a great time, it was a special day for me. We celebrated with whoever she was able to come, but I’m happy anyway,” she said in the Mediaset space. “I knew he wasn’t going to come”the socialite has acknowledged about her mother.
