The blue blood of the Urdangarin’s little girl flows like that of any person at 18 years old and her volunteer trip to Cambodia is the perfect setting to give exoticism to her first love. Irene Urdangarin Borbón He has been there for three months with the Spanish missionary and Jesuit Enrique Figaredo. Nothing like a sabbatical and supportive year for our future queen’s most beautiful cousin to find her own Don Juan.
We talk about Juan Urquijo, young man of 25 years, brother of the Mayor’s wife. Juan is seven years older than his cousin and girlfriend, he is an agricultural engineer, he was a student in the United Kingdom, with languages, like Irene. Juan is the son of Lucas Urquijo and Beatriz Moreno de Borbón-Dos Sicilias (brother of Teresa Urquijo, the new wife of the mayor of Madrid). His families (actually it is the same family) are happy that they are together and his mothers have been friends since they were children.

Juan received the guests at the wedding of Almeida and his sister
Juan Urquijo was not only at the wedding of Almeida and his sister. He actively participated: he came with the insignia of knight of the Sacred and Military Constantinian Order of Saint George. It was he who received many of the guests at the doors of the Jesuit church with his mother, Beatriz Moreno, and his brother-in-law, Almeida, including King Juan Carlos, the infantas and three of his eight grandchildren: Juan Urdangarin and Felipe and Victoria de Marichalar. Irene was in Cambodia, where she arrived in the second half of January, after saying goodbye to Juan and his family in La Zarzuela and spending a few days with her mother in India.

We had already seen the daughter of Infanta Doña Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin as volunteer in Cambodia but now we know she is in love. It says Hola. Juan and Irene are half family, relatives who come from Alfonso XII. Their families, in addition to sharing blood ties, are also very close friends. They had not seen each other for years and they met again last summer, on vacation. They say that Celestina was Victoria Federica, a matchmaker with a degree. The crush was normal and ordinary: it started as a special friendship and has ended in a sentimental relationship. It is, however, a relationship that has become a sacrifice: now they are living at a distance but they maintain their hope thinking about the summer, when they will be able to meet again. The weekly newspaper (which knows everything about this incipient courtship) says that until the beginning of autumn, they were not able to see each other much, but that when Irene settled in Zarzuela with her grandmother Queen Sofia to get her driving license, they saw each other. daily between class and class. Irene approved.
The magazine now portrays them between glances, making plans with friends, like that “wild” experience that involves escaping to Aldea del Fresco (in Madrid) to see loose animals from the car. The engineer and the granddaughter of Juan Carlos I went together to Safari Madrid, and it seems that the paparazzi followed them: they photographed the animals and the reporters photographed them. Irene and Juan gave a carrot to the large herbivores and the photographers immortalized it. Nothing like loving each other among lions, tigers, rhinos, giraffes, elephants, hippos, zebras, or leopards.